What are Ethnic Studies?

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What are Ethnic Studies?

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Examples from the Ethnic Studies course:

E. "Gender Unicorn" Lesson

F. Concepts List

Working animal, Jaw, Organism, Font
Material property, Font

D. Black Violence is "Heart" of Policing Lesson


Examples from the Ethnic Studies course:

A. "White Fragility" Lesson

B. Riot as Social Justice Lesson

C. Orderliness is "White Supremacy" Lesson

Material property, Font

E. "Gender Unicorn" Lesson

F. Concepts List

Motor vehicle, Font
Motor vehicle, Font
Working animal, Jaw, Organism, Font
Material property, Font

D. Black Violence is "Heart" of Policing Lesson


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Government intentions to teach identity can easily derail into the improper or abusive.

We needed to submit a Public Data request (GDPA) to attempt to view course materials.

The district still won't produce the materials, almost two years later.

Here is the video of Dr. Cherry, Vice-Superintendent, explaining that there had not been a bunch of lawyering going on, which had been the excuse for the first year of nothing-happening, and that, yes indeed, essentially nothing was made available to us.

They once promised us an opportunity to view the materials, but we showed up and received almost nothing.

We followed up, after the holidays, but in over two months there has been no further response about producing the material for inspection.

So, by what notions of ethnic identities is Stillwaters Schools instructing population identity?

We still do not have the answer.

The District should have apologized and said, "oops,"--after we were left having to contact the administrative bosses at OAH to come down upon the district, after their leaving two years in the dust, all of our follow-ups effectively ignored.

Instead, Trevor Helmers at Squires, Waldspurger, and Mace ran up presumably tens of thousands of dollars of legal expenses that in the end tried to rest on the defense that Catherine's original request was a typo.

This magic bullet typo theory preposes that Catherine had clarified and repeated, in succession and in discussions with the District, consistently, a typo, not an actual request that she "meant" to make, as Helmers proposed it.

Ten times reiterated and this actor tries on "the typo defense."

Over two months into the OAH Hearing, Mr. Helmers, with inherent disrespect for the administrative process, gins up the notion, and on August 31st says, in sum and substance, "Your Honor, we did not violate the law because the request was a typo."

Dress shirt, Smile, Collar, Tie, Font


Watch Out for His Mala Fides in Your District

Representing ISD 834:

The District cannot deny responsibility, flagrantly further and deepen its demonstration of its systemic violations of the law and then say there should be no reason for a complete judicial analysis of the illegal dysfunction that led to the capricious denial of materials.

More than half of the request has yet to be produced.

(Furthermore, the District violated Minn. Stat. 13.03 subdivisions 1-3 many times over, on most aspects of the request.)

It is a misdemeanor to deliberately not produce, and Mr. Helmers has them plainly standing there threatening not to hand over the bulk of the material unless we sign a get-out-of-jail free card.

Unfortunately, we are already invested over $7,500 in cash-equity in legal fees and may not be able to put in thousands more for justice to be served and the people's progress achieved.

The opportunity represents a great moment to establish standards for parent and community access to curriculum, which we all deserve as taxpayers.

It is very important to set a record and precedent that will prompt districts across the state to start following the law instead of operating with low standards like those that led to Catherine and our request being mistreated and ignored for two years.

Most parents and groups around the State won't have had the resources to press this far for the needed changes, and when they are steamrolled by Mr. Helmers or others like him, they won't make it this far, which is all the more reason to help with a financial contribution if you can, before we are left with the choice to trade justice for the material.

Academic dress, Mortarboard, Scholar, Headgear

But we do have an update:

On June 23rd, 2023 we filed for relief from the Office of Administrative Hearings, an executive branch agency that will, in this matter, force the production of publicly accessible information from the School Board.

CLICK to read our press release of our OAH enforcement action.


Click to read our Press Release from our June 23rd, 2023 filing for relief from the Office of Administrative Hearings, an executive branch agency which has the certain regulatory authority over administrative activity.

CLICK to read our press release of our OAH enforcement action.