Thank you for being a part of fixing ISD 834-Stillwater and beyond.
Click, here, to read about significant improvements to federal education regulations

Click to View our Presentation &
Report on the Slide into Alphabet Soup
Click to View our Presentation & Report on the Slide into Alphabet Soup
See the Results
- Know anyone who does not believe there is a gender indoctrination program in Stillwater public schools?
- Ask kids or grandchildren, "How many genders are there?"
- Don't be surprised by their answers...
Use our Gender Indoctrination Litmus Test
Thank you for being a part of fixing ISD 834-Stillwater and beyond.
Had you heard of Fixing Stillwater Schools?
So...What Needs Fixing in Stillwater Schools?
Our Democracy!
The Stillwater Board of Education, like many throughout the State, has reduced democratic-involvement and transparency.
Our understanding:
Public schools are part of our government.
Open government is good. Secret government is bad.
Public employees must openly conduct public duties done on our behalf.
Our public schools are accountable to everyone residing in the school district.
We must have access to our children's education process to effectively parent our boys and girls.
Our Projects & Research Products