Back to School, Stillwater:

Add Your Voice to Ask for Tolerance for Parents Who Believe their Sons are Boys and Daughters are Girls : Click Below to Email the Board

Why will your k-12 student (even 5- and 6-year-olds) be asked for “their pronouns” at the beginning of this school year? To conform your child’s beliefs to dogmas now mandated in Minnesota state law. Your school will especially “help” children from homes and faith communities who do not hold progressive (Woke) beliefs to conform.

Children will be assured by the school adults (from whom they naturally seek approval) that even though mom and dad refer to them as a boy (he or him), or as a girl (she or her), parents can be wrong about whether you are really a boy or girl as “identified” at birth. In fact, the child may even be wrong about being a boy or a girl. You might be the other, or one of a plurality of other genders the school will teach you about so you can become your “authentic” self. All children are being taught to find life meaning through unlimited sexual behaviors celebrated in the LGBTQIA+multi-gender-fluidity belief system. See for more information (source used throughout ISD No. 834).

Beginning in preschool, our school district’s purpose is to stamp out “binary heteronormality”. That is, lessons in all classes may embed teaching that nice people all believe that there are more than 2 genders. Related to this, the ideology goes...that heterosexuality and child rearing in a home with a male and female parent is not to be considered aspirational or even normal. Instead, they are taught that unlimited sexual exploration is to be celebrated as the means of discovering their “authentic” sexual "identity," the key to happiness.

Crazy talk?

I asked the Stillwater’s School Advisory Committee in April 2024 what accommodations would be made for parents believing their sons were boys and their daughters were girls and that this was unchanging. I was told, “We believe in trans kids and [in Minnesota] the law is on our side.” No accommodation, at all. Parents who do not embrace the extreme left progressive Woke sexual dogmas should be wary of delivering their children to be reprogrammed into a contrary world view and belief system.

But Ms. Jones is too nice to do that to my child, right?

For her teaching license (or license renewal) in Minnesota, Ms. Jones must now affirm radical LGBTQIA+ beliefs to all children in all classes. Staff “enrichment days” provide Ms. Jones “instruction” (at taxpayer expense) from radical political organizations (see and to make sure that she knows that if she doesn’t teach their beliefs to your children, she will lose her job.

Look at your child’s classroom and school hallway for posters and flags that declare “everyone here celebrates” LGBTQIA+ beliefs. Look for “Gender Bread Person” and “Gender Unicorn” posters that our administration has distributed to teachers. Belying the happy rainbows and signs declaring “all are welcome here!” is the truth that unbelievers are not.

Finally, as a simple exercise, ask Ms. Jones, “How many genders are there?” When the response is something other than “two”, then ask “Why do you believe that is true?” Be prepared for the blank stare or irritation of someone whose faith dogma has just been challenged.

Please add your voice for the Board's consideration on these issues with the convenient button below.


Michael McCarthy

Chair of Fixing Stillwater Schools

A Letter from Michael McCarthy to the Community about the District's Gender Intolerance & Indoctrination

The button above will open an email that will send to each Board Member. Please encourage the District to change their policy or procedure to allow those who believe their sons are boys and daughters are girls to have their beliefs respected or tolerated. You may also demand that the district prepare alternative instruction to be available upon request of parents or guardians. FSS reserves the right to block email messages to prevent abuse of the email link.